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The Student News Site of Hillsboro High School

The Hillsboro Globe

The Student News Site of Hillsboro High School

The Hillsboro Globe

The Student News Site of Hillsboro High School

The Hillsboro Globe

Hillsboro High School adds Jackie Turner during the naming of the gymnasium

Hillsboro High School adds Jackie Turner during the naming of the gymnasium

Hillsboro Globe Reporter – Margo Jenkins, Editor November 20, 2023

On Thursday, November 16th, 2023, Hillsboro High School was proud to announce and celebrate the new naming of the school gym. The previously known Ed Hessey Gymnasium will now be known as the Ed...

Dr. Shuler Pelham, Executive Principal of Hillsboro High School while stationed at Checkpoint Charlie in  the Berlin, Germany. Dr. Pelham served in the Army military Intelligence in 1989 when the Berlin Wall was torn down. Picture submitted by Shuler Pelham.

“….And the the wall came tumbling down”

Hillsboro Globe Reporter – Janeisha Leggs. Ortaja Lewis and Rodney Love, Feature Writers November 11, 2021

In 1989, our very own Hillsboro High School Executive Principal, Dr. Shuler Pelham, was a participant in the dismantling of the Berlin Wall in Berlin, Germany. Dr. Pelham, was a member of the Army...

Trunk or Treat - your chance to 'haunt' the halls of Hillsboro

Trunk or Treat – your chance to ‘haunt’ the halls of Hillsboro

Hillsboro Globe Reporter – HIllsboro Arts and Entertainment Desk, writer October 21, 2021

Many organizations will host a Halloween part of some kind the week before the big night on October 31st. Hillsboro High School is not exception and will be hosting their big school cluster event on Thursday,...

Map of new traffic pattern that began July 29, 2019 of the Hillsboro High School Campus.

With Phase 1 of construction complete, Hillsboro Burros will enter campus off of Glen Echo road

Hillsboro Globe Reporter – Hillsboro Globe Reports August 1, 2019

July 29, 2019 Dear Hillsboro Families, It is hard to believe that we are moving into our new Tower and about to start a new school year. In one short year we have watched the transformation of our...

Burros begin to build new history by breaking new ground

Hillsboro Globe Reporter – Angel Powell, Assistant Photo Editor August 23, 2017

Hillsboro High School added another historic moment to its 75+ years of history. After nine years of planning by council members, parents and multiple school administrations,  Hillsboro High School broke...

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