Graduation of the Class of 2019 concludes with celebrations, tears and cheers
NASHVILLE–The Burros of Hillsboro High School celebrated the moment where a student moves from one stage in their educational life to the next higher stage.

Following speeches by the Valedictorian, Salutatorian, Student Body President and Dr. Pelham the real moment truth came when each principal of the graduating academies stood to announce the graduating senior, while each senior anxiously waited to hear, his or her name said correctly. At is a goal for every principal to announce clearly and succinctly a student who will cross one of the most important stages of life. Judging from the reactions by audience, the night was a huge success.
Monday night, May 20th, nearly 400 seniors were confirmed and certified as having completed the high school requirements set out by the state of Tennessee. In attendance to verify and certify the diplomas were MNPS executives that included school board members, Gini Pupo-Walker and Fran Bush, Dr. David Williams and Chaerea Snorton (Executive Directors of Learning), Dr. Dottie Critchlow (Southwest Region Superintendent), Dr. Craig Hammond (Director of Middle School Leadership and Learning), and Dr. Adrienne Battle, the recently appointed interim MNPS Director of Schools.
In addition to all the parents, family faculty and graduating seniors who filled the arena at Lipscomb University were joining the the esteemed Administration Team of Hillsboro, Dr. Shular Pelham (Executive Principal), Dr. Eric Arteberry (Freshman Academy Principal), Dr. Kowania Mull (Principal of Academy of Health Sciences), Dr. Kenyea Reese (Principal of the International Baccalaureate Academy), and Dr. Riley Walker (Principal of the USSCU Academy of International Business).
Every January, teachers and students will comment how slow the year is going until May rolls around and no one can believe how fast the year went by.

Libby Taylor is an editor for the Hillsboro Globe Newspaper.
She is currently a sophomore in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program at Hillsboro...