Ice Cream is the perfect treat anytime of the year
Rights Reserved-Hillsboro Globe, member Associated Press Malcolm Skiver
November 1, 2022
The Hillsboro Globe loves to review restaurants and moves, however it is even a bigger treat when the new flavors from Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams releases their new flavors for the season. We visited the 21st Avenue store to review these new taste treats.

Founded in Columbus, Ohio in 2002 by Jeni Briton, Jeni’s has become a nation-wide sensation. They have expanded to have 65 physical locations around America. They are known for their signature smooth texture as well as creating some of the most creative and unique flavors we’ve ever seen. These flavors include but are not limited to; Savannah Buttermint, Goat Cheese with Red Cherries, Brandied Banana Brulé, and possibly their most adventurous flavor, Everything Bagel.
Fall Flavors 2022
Jeni’s has 5 flavors for fall this year: High Five Candy Bar, Cookies in Cream, Pumpkin Cake Roll, Green Mint Chip, and Boston Cream Pie, a dough. It has a smooth texture with the occasional burst of fudge and cake bit.
Other flavors that are popular are Green Mint Chip which emulates a classic ice cream flavor. It has the smooth mint cream with small chunks of dark chocolate throughout. The mint is cold and refreshing and the snap of the chocolate chunks as you eat it is always satisfying. It is a great mint chocolate chip ice cream, but this is a flavor you can get anywhere else, so I’d recommend trying some of their unique flavors instead.
For Pumpkin Cake Roll, divert your expectations from the artificial pumpkin spice flavor you might be used to eating and get ready for an organic and slightly earthy of a Thanksgiving classic. The Globe could taste the real organic pumpkin, while this flavor enhancing warm, autumn spices. The texture maintains the Jeni classic smoothness but adds for texture a bit of graininess.
Getting your ice cream is a relatively quick process as long as the line isn’t too long. It smells like fresh baked waffle cones when one walks inside, which is a warm, nice experience that contrasts to the cool, smoothness of the ice cream.
During our visit, the Hillsboro Globe found the workers to be very friendly and we had no complaints about the service. The only catch for these enjoyable visit to Jeni’s is that it is not inexpensive. It costs $12 for a pint, compared to grocery pints of ice cream who’s costs range from 4 to 6 dollars. Jeni’s is almost double the cost of a Ben & Jerry’s pint for $6.75. But we believe the price of a unique ice cream is worth it. In addition, natural ingredients can cost more than an artificial flavor.
Fall Flavors Score 4 out 5
Store Visit Score