The IB Business Class is presenting, “Hellsboro”, a Holiday themed haunted house
“Spread a little Christmas cheer with a little bit of fear”
The International Baccalaureate Academy class, IB Business has created its own company, Burro Entertainment Company, from the ground up. Using a business plan in which one of the goals is to hold events that are open to the public and offer students and staff a chance to have a little fun in the midst of all the heavy academic studying that every Burro is entrenched in throughout the year.
To get the special, Burro price, bring a ticket stub from the events from either Thursday or Friday night. Hellsboro, is being held on December 13th and 14th following the already schedules events.
On Thursday night, 7 – 9 pm the last performance of the Hillsboro Singers is in the auditorium and if students bring their choir performance ticket, there is a 2$ discount.
The same discount applies after the girls and boys basketball games. All you need to do to get this special is bring a ticket stub from the events from either Thursday or Friday night.
Recently the Hillsboro Globe had an opportunity to chat with two BEC members, Caleb Ellis and Alyssa Wood about the new company.
Mr. Porter is the adviser to the company, and agrees that students need more opportunities to have interesting clean fun at school. The Burro Entertainment Company wants to offer fun events because the construction has dampened our opportunities to have regular pep rallies, events on a football field and other after school activities that require a space of grass.
The winter themed haunted house might be a strange idea, but it’s a start to try to put on events that a little different and it is only the first of such planned events. This is one of many ideas coming to Hillsboro presented by the Burro Entertainment Company such as a talent show, sports day, and song-a-grams!
If you have what you think think is a great idea for an event – pass it along to Mr. Porter. Remember to take it seriously, write down your contact information and a brief description what the event might be.
If you want to reach out to the Burro Entertainment they have an instagram: @Burroentertainmentco

Brandon Martinez is a student of the US Community Credit Union Academy of International Business Communications at Hillsboro High School | International...