LGBT Historical Events: March 1-7 2023

Welcome to this week in LGBTQ events, a compelling Hillsboro Globe column where all are welcome!

LGBT Events: March 1-7 202

O3bama advocates for marriage rights in California

Ten years ago, in 2013, Barack Obama gave an important speech about the Proposition 8 plan for Hollingsworth V. Perry. Hollingsworth V. Perry is important to know about because it relegalized gay marriage in the state of California. In 2013, THIRTY EIGHT states prohibited gay marriage.  “What we’ve said is that same-sex couples are a group, a class, that deserves heightened scrutiny, that the Supreme Court needs to ask the state why it’s doing it, and if the state doesn’t have a good reason, then it should be struck down,” Obama said.

The president made clear that the decision to file the brief — which the administration did not have to do, since they were not a part of the California case — was his decision. “When the Supreme Court essentially called the question by taking this case about California’s law, I didn’t feel like that was something that this administration could avoid,” he said. “I felt it was important for us to articulate what I believe and what this administration stands for.”  This shows us that Obama advocated for LGBT rights at this point in time. Without him, it is possible that gay marriage would not be legal.


 Ukrainian Couple Ties Knot

Yulia and Tetiana, who have been together for 10 years, said they had wanted to get married for the longest time .However, same-sex marriages and civil partnerships are not recognised in Ukraine. The couple have settled in Derbyshire, England and said they feel more connected than they did back in Ukraine. “We are going to do the only thing you can’t do in Ukraine. We are going to get married,” said Tetiana.” Because we are a same-sex couple, here in Britain we are somehow closer and more together than we could be back in Ukraine.” We are happy because we are alive and safe and together but it’s a very bitter happiness.”

Every day we read the news, we check on our friends – are you alive, are you ok?” The couple plan to hold a small ceremony at a register office this month.Tetiana said they initially began planning their wedding several years ago.” For Russian and Ukrainian LGBT people, the only possibility is to go abroad to be married” she said. “If we were told two years ago that we were going to get married in Great Britain, we would have said ‘wonderful’. It is so inspiring to know the stories of people like Yulia and Tetiana who have found happiness together although it is quite sad to know that that they had to leave their home country to do it.

Sources: BBC + USA TODAY

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