SAVE 3 LIVES! GIVE BLOOD! -Blood Drive Coming to Hillsboro High

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The Blood Assurance AGHS Blood Drive is coming to Hillsboro High School,  November 19 from 8am to 1pm.

On October 25th, Global Health Science students were introduce to a  blood mobile run by Hillsboro’s new partner, Blood Assurance. They were given the chance to experience this new Blood Mobile.

Sign ups for to participate in the blood drive will be the week before the drive, November 11-15.

The Academic CTE club, HOSA, will  is hosting the blood drive which is sponsored by Blood Assurance.

If you are 16 – 17 years old you must have parents permission, however no matter what there are two other permission slips that must be filled out before donating blood.

Did you know that 1 liter of blood can save 6 lives? The blood you will be donating will go to victims of tragedies. Peyton Fry, is the president of HOSA and she said, “The Hurricane Harvey relief was the scariest but most inspiring blood donation I have ever see.” People from all over wanted to help victims of Hurricane Harvey.

If you participate in donating blood you will receive a t-shirt. If you have any questions see Ms.Thomas or Peyton Fry. Hillsboro strongly encourages donating blood. Giving blood changes lives, changes families, changes ourselves.

What You Need to Know about Giving Blood

It takes about an hour and is the most flexible because it is transferred in  its original form.

All blood types are recommended for a whole blood donation.

Blood donations help all types of patients including trauma patients, people undergoing surgery, sickle cell patients, burn patients, and chronic disease patients.

The only requirement is you need to donate blood is being in good health, haven’t donated blood within the last 56 days, and be at least 16 years of age.

There is a weight limit of 110 pounds unless 18 or younger or are attending a high school.

You can go to the Red Cross website and read the donation process and learn everything you need to know about donating blood. Go donate some blood let’s see how many lives we can save.