Meet Hillsboro’s very own business guru and renaissance man, Dr. Robert Kriebel

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If you have eaten at the Burro Brew, then you probably have met one of Hillsboro’s most celebrated and devoted teachers, Dr. Robert Kriebel. In addition, he is currently the advisor to the highly successful academic club, DECA and is the teacher who helps run, with students, the US Community Credit Union which has a branch on the second floor of the new tower. DECA is a CTSO (Career Technical Student Organization)  that applies theories learned in the classroom to real life situation in a competitive environment.

He is a much appreciated asset to Hillsboro, and his students adore him because he is consistently introducing students to travel and business opportunities that enable him to share his experience with students who are interested in the Business and Finance pathway in the USCCU AIBC Academy. He was also a professor at Marshall University in Huntington, Virgina.

Many students, however, only know our teachers in and their interests as they apply to classroom. Dr. Kriebel is an advocate of students during the school year, but when the last exam is graded, Dr. Kriebel spends many hours traveling through countries on different continents.

South America, specifically the countries Peru, Chile, and Brazil were home this summer to Dr. Kriebel and his wife. The Hillsboro Globe had a wonderful opportunity to sit with him recently and ask him a few questions about his summer travels. It is time to feature one of our favorite teachers.

Hillsboro Globe (HG):  Have you always been a teacher?

Robert Kriebel (RK): “No,  I have only been teaching twelve years. Eight years at Antioch High School and 4 of them here at Hillsboro.”

HG: What degree did you earn in college?

RK: “I have a double major, one in accounting and one for computer science”

HG: What is your doctorate degree in?

RK: “I got a PhD in philosophy because I wanted to be well rounded and it was required to have a doctorate in order to become a professor.”

He told us he retired 12 years ago to become a teacher stating, “I retired to become a teacher who could educate and teach younger generations in order for them to become successful adults.”

Dr. Kriebel is much admired by his colleagues here at Hillsboro. Senior English teacher, Ms. Richardson, assists Dr. Kiebel and DECA often as a co-sponsor and chaperone during competitions and field trips. She has worked with him since he moved from Antioch to Hillsboro.

HG: How long have you known Dr. Kriebel?

PR: “I have known Kriebel for about 6 years.”

HG: What trips have you accompanied Dr. Kriebel and the DECA students?

PR: “Last year we went to the Titans Learning Lab with the sophomores, and I also got to attend the DECA State competition that took place in Chattanooga.”

HG: What do you admire most about Dr. Kriebel?

PR: “I like that he is a ‘Renaissance Man’ and that he is well educated. He is interested in lots of different things. He is a professional businessman who devoted his life to educating high schoolers.”

NOTABLE:  “A Renaissance Man is an outstandingly versatile, well-rounded person. The expression alludes to such Renaissance  figures as Leonardo da Vinci, who performed brilliantly in many different fields” (from

It is true. Teachers do have personal lives and are interested in many things that are not related to their job, but make them better teachers. Understanding our teachers are people, too, is important to remember.

HG: Are you married, and if so, how long have you been married?

RK: “Yes I have been married 36 years.”

HG: Do you have any pets?

RK: “I have a Maltese dog named Marla.”

HG: Are you from Tennessee? If not, where are you from?

RK:I am from Bucks County, Pennsylvania”

HG: What did you do over the summer?

RK: “I went to South America for a couple months, when it is summer here, it is winter there.”

HG: Why did you choose to travel to Peru?

RK: “I visited ancient Inca places in Peru, Chile, Buenos Aires, and Uruguay. The reason I went to Peru was to climb Machu Picchu, which is one of the seven wonders of the modern world.”

Dr. Kriebel has traveled to so many far and exotic places. He has traveled to all seven wonders except one.

Just in case you don’t know the seven wonders of the modern world include:

  • Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt
  • Great Wall of China in China
  • Petra in Jordan
  • The Colosseum in Italy
  • Chichen Itza in Mexico
  • Machu Picchu in Peru
  • Taj Mahal in India

The only one Dr. Kriebel has seen is the Taj Mahal in India.

He is also planning trips already for spring and fall break this year. For fall break, he is going to Midtown, Italy and Frankford, Germany. For spring break, he will be attending the Indian Wells Tennis Masters Tournament in Palm Springs, California.

It is obvious that Dr. Kriebel is more than an ordinary teacher. He is not only an expert in teaching us business skills, but he can also teach us about life. His travels across, literally, the world offer his students first-and insights from other cultures. Understanding other cultures is important to being an informed business person.

His adventures seem to never end. We look forward to sharing more about his travels.