Have a Holly Jolly Christmas! with The Hillsboro Singers

  • Hillsboro Singers at the Holiday Performance 2018. photo credit: Brandon Martinez

  • Hillsboro Singers at the Holiday Performance 2018. photo credit: Brandon Martinez

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Nothing will bring out the Christmas spirit in a tired and over-worked student like well sung Christmas tunes. Recently, I had the privilege of attending the Christmas themed Hillsboro Singers Choir concert  held in the  Hillsboro High School auditorium.

I embarrassed to admit it, but I had underestimated the enormity of their performance.

I went thinking it would be a small concert and my friends would be pretty-good at singing. But, I was wrong, it was nothing like what I thought it would be and I left the concert so impressed.

The concert was unlike anything I have every experienced.  I guess I thought it would be like a band concert, with instruments like the strings to back up the choir.

Hillsboro Singers at the Holiday Performance 2018. photo credit: Brandon Martinez

However,  it solely focused on the just the vocalists in the choir.  Because the focus was only on the people singing, there was a lot of room for creativity and the stage really sent the tone and mood for anyone who came.

The Hillsboro Singers decorated the stage set and background with sparkling Christmas trees with  “presents underneath the Christmas tree.”

Arriving just before 6:00 gave me an opportunity to take in the setting before the Director Mrs. Ganske welcomed everyone to the show.

Hillsboro Singers at the Holiday Performance 2018. photo credit: Brandon Martinez

As quickly as she exited the stage, the lights went dim and Santa’s Coming to Town started to play.  The choir had everyone singing with by the end of the song.

I definitely did not expect that I would want to sing with the choir, but I sang right along with the rest of the packed house.

Songs such as, It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, White Christmas, and Santa Baby were highlights.

One of the most memorable things that happened that night was when the choir sang Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas to the senior English teacher Mrs. Richardson.

It was truly a stunning night hearing all of everyone’s favorite Christmas tunes as well as seeing the dedication of these groups.

Hillsboro Singers at the Holiday Performance 2018. photo credit: Brandon Martinez

The Pops choir, the Chamber, Women’s, and Mixed Choir awed the audience throughout their wardrobe changes and dancing. The solo’s they offered as well as the duets were spot on.

The profits made from the ticket sales are going to benefit the future of choir classes. Future performances are planned for the spring and the Hillsboro Globe highly recommends that you not miss the next performance.