Hillsboro Info: PTSO Invest! Newsletter! Homecoming and more
No donation is too small or too large, and all donations are greatly appreciated!

9th grade Orientation 2018 pub
Dear Burro Families,
We are halfway to reaching our goal of $45,000 for INVEST. INVEST is the PTSO’s annual fundraiser for academic excellence at Hillsboro. INVEST donations are an essential source of funding for a variety of needs at our school, including:
- Parchment Software (sends transcripts to colleges)
- Math Software
- Art Supplies
- Youth in Government/Model UN
- Library
- AVID Training
- DECA (student business organization) Competition
- HOSA (student health sciences organization) Competition
- Vocal Music
- Instrumental Music
- Theatre
- ISR Supplies/Activities
- IB (Program Coordinators, Induction Ceremony, Testing Supplies, Whole School Training, Supplies/ThinkIB, SmartBacc)
Cutting these programs and others funded by INVEST is not an option. These programs help our students and teachers hone their skills and showcase their talents. They are essential for our students’ success.I need your help this week to close the funding gap!
Please consider making your donation online via PayPal at www.wearehillsboro.com/invest. You may make a one-time donation or spread your contribution out into monthly payments (a popular option).
If you prefer to donate via check, the INVEST team will be at the morning car line over the next few days, or you can mail your check to Hillsboro High School, Attn: INVEST, 3812 Hillsboro Road, Nashville, TN 37215.
No donation is too small or too large, and all donations are greatly appreciated!
With gratitude,
Dr. Shuler Pelham, Executive Principal, Hillsboro High School
INVEST Campaign Update
As of today, we have received 112 donations totaling $27,150. Thank you to everyone who has gotten us over the 60% mark! If you haven’t donated yet, we need your help to reach our goal of $45,000. The INVEST team will be at the morning car line over the next few days to take cash or checks. You can also mail your check to Hillsboro High School, Attn: INVEST, 3812 Hillsboro Road, Nashville, TN 37215. To donate online, please visit www.wearehillsboro.com/invest; you may make a one-time donation or spread your contribution out into monthly payments (a popular option).
PTSO Updates 
Volunteer Opportunity: Help Distribute T-shirts
The PTSO is excited to be providing a free limited-edition t-shirt for all students, teachers, administrators and staff at Hillsboro this year. Students will be receiving their shirts through PLT classes this week. For distribution to go smoothly, the PTSO needs help during lunch (10:30-12:30) on Monday and Tuesday. If you can help, please sign up HERE. Thanks!
MNPS College Fair Thursday
Metro Schools will host a college fair on Thursday, September 20, 3:00-6:30 PM, at Tennessee State University. The event will feature more than 200 colleges and universities and provide families with information about admissions, financial aid, college life and more. Click HERE for more information.
PTSO Meeting Thursday (After College Fair)
Our PTSO meeting is Thursday, September 20 at 6:30, with a special guest speaker, Heather Hale, Certified College Funding Specialist, who will be presenting her program “Six Ways to Cut the Costs of College.” So head to the college fair and find your dream school, then come over to Hillsboro and learn how you’re going to pay for it!
Hillsboro Cluster PAC Meeting
The first Hillsboro Cluster PAC meeting of the year is Tuesday, September 18, 6:00 PM, in the Glendale Elementary library. We will hear from schools on events and issues, elect new officers, and discuss upcoming meetings for the year. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Homecoming Game and Tailgate
SGA Tailgate Party
Join us for the next pregame tailgate party on Friday, September 21, at 4:30. We want this to be a fun event for students and parents (even if they aren’t planning on riding the spirit bus). Help us to cheer on the Burros!
Save the date! On Saturday, October 6, wear your green and gold and come out to Vanderbilt Stadium to see the Burros take on Centennial! Kickoff is at 2:00 PM, but come early and join us in Vanderbilt parking lot R (free parking) starting at 11:00 AM for a community tailgate! Enjoy food, fun, and games from 11:00-1:00, and watch the students march to the stadium in the homecoming parade at 1:00! In lieu of floats, students will march behind banners for each class, and all are welcome! Please note that Vanderbilt has rules about the size of purses/bags that can be brought into the stadium; visit their website HERE for guidelines of what is allowed.
Burro Helping Hands
Students from the Academy of Global Health & Science volunteered with our neighbor school down the street, Harris Hillman, as they attended the Tennessee State Fair. Our students helped by pushing wheelchairs through the tricky sawdust in the animal exhibits! They enjoyed their time and are actively looking for other ways to partner with Harris Hillman and their students.
Extracurricular Clubs at Hillsboro
Hillsboro has more than 40 clubs (Art Club, Book Club, Journalism, Lacrosse, Bowling, and many more) and encourages students to participate in extracurricular activities to support a balanced lifestyle, learn new skills, and contribute to the larger community. Listings of the clubs/activities, along with pertinent information, can be found on the wall next to the Burro Brew (across from the main office) and HERE. Please take a moment to look through the list to see all the different activities and groups available to the Hillsboro students.
ACT and SAT Prep
MY TEST TIPS ACT & SAT Prep: Nashville-based My Test Tips will offer two-hour, one-on-one, private session workshops this fall. In these workshops, students will identify & correct test-taking mistakes using their own ACT practice test book, learn more effective strategies to improve their chances to increase scores, and more. Parents & students interested in further information should email [email protected].
College Visits at Hillsboro
Representatives from Swarthmore, Vassar, Centre, and the University of Chicago are among those scheduled for visits THIS WEEK to Hillsboro. Click HEREto see the list of colleges and to register. All visits will take place in the library; students and parents are welcome. Only students who have registered may attend.
Senior ACT—October 2
The ACT will be offered for free at Hillsboro on Tuesday, October 2. This test is optional for current seniors who have already taken the ACT and want to try to improve their score. Any senior who has not taken the ACT at least once must take this test. Taking the ACT or SAT at least once is a graduation requirement in the state of Tennessee. Sign up for the October 2 ACT in your Academy office.