Hillsboro opens wrestling season strong with new coach and solid wins
Hillsboro High Wrestling
It is fall brawl time at the Wrestling Burro Dome and Hillsboro’s wrestling team is off to a strong start beating both John Paul II and Stratford last Tuesday in the opener.
The season started just before Thanksgiving, however, the team has been practicing since early September. Now the season is in full swing and the new coach, Mikeal Trump is excited for the new season.
Taking over a team always has its pluses and minuses. The Hillsboro Globe had a chance to chat with Coach Trump recently and find out more about his philosophy as a coach. Coach Trump is a history teacher and 14 year Davidson county resident.

Q. How many years have you been coaching?
A. I have been coaching nine years and this is my fourth year here at Hillsboro.
Q. Are you excited for the chance to be head coach here at Hillsboro?
A. Yes, I am. This is my first year ever being head coach. All previous years I have been an assistant coach, be it here, or at another school
Q. How long have you lived in or around Hillsboro?
A. I have lived in Nashville for fourteen years. Technically, I live just outside of Nashville and I drive a little ways in to work everyday.
Q. Are you excited for the renovations coming in the future to Hillsboro?
A. I really am, especially the new wrestling room and upgraded equipment.
Editors Note: Unlike most wrestling room configurations at most high schools which have access to the small or larger gym for matches, the Hillsboro wrestling room is in a portable that resides on the other side of the football field next to the baseball field. It is a tight fit when there is a dual match or a large crowd like Tuesday’s opener.
Q. Do you believe that the wrestling team is ready for the season at hand?
A. Yes and no, the wrestlers that are showing up for practice are ready, however, roughly half of the wrestling team is on the football team so the wrestling team has been shorthanded until the football season ended. I expect it to come together quickly once that happens.
Q. How many years have you been coaching here at Hillsboro?
A. This is my fourth year at Hillsboro
Hillsboro hosts Lavergne and Hume Fogg Magnet at 4:00 pm Tuesday, 11/28/17. Cost is $3.00.