Attributions: OurQuadCities
National Day News- Cereal Day
Get your spoons and bowls out! It’s National Cereal Day! Cereal has been one of America’s most popular breakfast food since the end of the late 1900s.
Now, some people even eat cereal as a meal or a bedtime snack! So who invented this delicious treat? A German immigrant, Ferdinand Schumacher, began this revolution in 1854, with just a hand oats grinder in the back of a room in a store in Akron, Ohio! Eventually, Schumacher took on the Quaker logo, which was the first registered trademark for cereal, in 1877.

From Frosted Flakes to Cocoa Pebbles, there are a variety of cereals to choose from now! Get your favorite cereal from your grocery store today and embrace this national day!
Attributions: National Day Calendar