The Wonders of ISR

But What is ISR? - Read to Find Out...

  • Rights Reserved-Hillsboro Globe, member Associated Press Lillie Cate Allen
  • Rights Reserved-Hillsboro Globe, member Associated Press Margo Jenkins
  • Rights Reserved-Hillsboro Globe, member Associated Press Margo Jenkins
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Hillsboro offers a variety of classes and programs that cater to students’ academic interests. Interdisciplinary Science and Research, more commonly known as ISR, is a rigorous program centered around one word. Curiosity. The class is unlike any other science class, it focuses on the Why of the world. It’s all about real world application, and it’s student focused. 

Over the course of four years, students learn about a variety of topics like molecular gastronomy, forensic science, marine biology, and environmental science. The class isn’t entirely focused on memorizing interesting science facts but using knowledge to create fun projects. 

Some of the students’ favorite projects include filming cooking shows, observing microscopic creatures, creating drug awareness posters, solving a crime in the lab, and building a prosthetic leg. “I like how many practical activities we do, like building prosthetic legs or Wolbachia labs,” says Anna Michalik, a sophomore at Hillsboro High School. Freshman Matthew Beller told us that he likes ISR because, ” it’s not just teachers talking, it’s applicable. And we do labs!”

The ISR program is structured in a way that gradually trains students to ultimately take on an independent role in a major project. Darilyn Finch, a sophomore told us, “ISR has helped me grow by exposing me to different aspects of science and taught me how to become a researcher.” By senior year you are geared with enough skills to be able to apply them to your own project. As a senior, ISR students create and conduct their own experiment and get to present it at the end of the year. 

Mohamed Sankari has taken ISR all four years of his high school career. As a senior, he said, “ISR has improved my ability to think on the fly and quickly made educated guesses/inferences and helped me overcome my fear of presenting under high-stress conditions.” 

This program is for anyone who loves science and is constantly curious. The program is challenging, but you’re guaranteed to reap benefits from it. ISR isn’t graded on completion, so it allows students to truly perform at their best. The class teaches students to be patient with their work and reflect effectively. 

Being a part of ISR means staying curious, having a growth mindset, and improving skills. It keeps students engaged and passionate; cultivating their individual interests and helping them to realize their potential.

Hillsboro High Schools ISR instructor Dr. Swartz stated it simply, “It’s Science on Steroids.”

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