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Review: Emmy Squared Pizza is a Delicious Detroit-style Delight
The Hillsboro Globe went out to eat lunch at Emmy Squared Pizza at the Green Hills Mall in September so that we could review their trendy bites. Emmy Squared first opened its doors in Brooklyn, New York in 2016, so it is not that old. They also have locations in Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C among others. Because of the pandemic, there was a time when we did not have the opportunity ...

Hillsboro Marching Band competes in its first competition since 2019
MURFREESBORO - Last Saturday, the Hillsboro Marching Band loaded up two buses and drove to Rockvale High School for the first band competition of the season. Over 80 students are members and they spent countless hours practicing for this performance. Prior to this contest, only 8 have marched before. The marching band includes brass instruments, woodwinds, a drum line, and a color guard. The m...

Hillsboro Players are off to see the Wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz
There is no place like home, and the Hillsboro Players will be performing their third production of the year at home on April 15 - 18, 2022 in the Hillsboro High School auditorium. This production is not your parents' version of The Wizard of Oz. It is an ambitious and progressive rendition of a classic produced staged in an expansive production like none any you’ve seen before. “The cast size i...

Ghostbusters: Afterlife Official Movie Preview
Movie Preview Ghostbusters: Afterlife is set to be released on November 19, 2021. The real question everyone is asking is will it live up to the original Ghostbusters and should I spend the money and time to go watch it. With the release date being so soon I'm here to help be that deciding factor with information, prices, and local theatres that will be airing the movie. The plot of the mov...

Hillsboro Players continue to keep the Spotlight on theater awards with numerous 2020 nominations
School construction can pose ever-changing challenges setbacks, but the Burros persisted. Athletics turned into theater stages, tennis courts became a parking lot by day and a marching band practice 'field' at night. Few senior athletes played their last home game on a home court or field. The Hillsboro Players even lost their stage for the 2019-2020 school year. Yet the, as any Burro would, the stu...

Joseph Lowery, civil rights leader and MLK aide, dies at 98
ATLANTA (AP) — The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery fought to end segregation, lived to see the election of the country’s first black president and echoed the call for “justice to roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream” in America. For more than four decades after the death of his friend and civil rights icon, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., the fiery Alabama preacher was on the front line of the battle...

Alert: “Catch Me if You Can”, the musical performed by the Hillsboro Players is no scam
Due to Hillsboro's renovation, the musical will be taking place at Lipscomb University's, Willard Collins Alumni Auditorium. Evening performances are on March 5th, 6th, and 9th and begin at 7:00 PM. The lone matinee performance is at 2:00 PM on March 8th which will include ASL interpreters for Nashville's deaf and hard of hearing community. Tickets are $10 for students and $15 for general admission. Make sure you purchase yours at the link below!!

V is for Very, Very Extraordinary, and is also Vendetta
V for Vendetta is a movie based on a graphic novel published on March 17, 2006 by James McTeigue. Though it has been out for a while, it is an important film given the state of our country. V for Vendetta is a dystopian action movie taking place in a future dominated by a tyrannical British empire which is based on religion and war. A rebellious mystery man by the name of 'V' is the ma...

Hillsboro Players Open Up The Season with Shakespeare’s “The Twelfth Night”
Join the Hillsboro Players on September 26-30 at 7:00 PM for an unparalleled performance of "The Twelfth Night". Performances will be held on Hillsboro's softball field, and chairs will be provided. There will be a variety of food trucks & live band performances to make the evening a completely different and unique theater experience. The incredible acting will be fifties blast. Twelfth N...

‘Not All Who Wander Are Lost’ is the title of the 2019 Hillsboro Marching Band Show
The Hillsboro Marching Burros have an amazing show in store for you this year is called Not All Who Wander are Lost. The idea for this show comes from the fact that currently there is no home field for the Hillsboro Burros with all outdoor sports. Even the Hillsboro Players theater group is tasked with finding creative stages for each of its plays this school year. Student athletes and faculty ...

Winner, winner, chicken dinner – McDougal’s hits it out of the park
Fried chicken is the epitome of the south and a staple piece for any home-cooked meal. Throughout Nashville, there are many incredible restaurants and some of them, are known for their fried chicken. My friend Abbey and I decided it was time we review some of Nashville's popular chicken restaurants and let you guys know what we think! We chose three restaurants differing in price, loca...

Get Out! Jordan Peele has his second blockbuster hit, US earned 10 Million in first weekend
Jordan Peele has done it again. Two years after the filmmaker’s “Get Out” became a box-office sensation, his frightening follow-up, “Us,” debuted with $70.3 million in ticket sales, according to studio estimates Sunday. Jordan Peele is an American actor, comedian, writer, producer, and director. He has been actively involved in the entertainment industry since 2002. He was first kno...

Can You Still Listen to Kanye in 2019?
In our contemporary times of social media, it’s very easy to share one's thoughts to millions of people in the space of less than 200 characters. In some ways, this is a good thing. Connections can be made between people that live hundreds of miles away from each other that would’ve never met in any other time. However, this type of online connection also provides those who use social media...

Hillsboro Players conclude a successful, five-day run of the musical Rock of Ages
This year's Hillsboro Player's spring musical is a magical tour back in time to 1987 to the iconic California neighborhood of West Hollywood. The rock musical, Rock of Ages, opened Thursday, February 28 and ran each night through March 4, 2019. Directors Kristin Moon, Will Butler and Janelle Ganske created an edgy rendition of the Broadway musical that left the audiences believin...

Hillsboro IB World High school celebrates African American History month with song and spoken word
Hillsboro IB World High School celebrated Black History Month with two days of performances by the Hillsboro Singers and other students who wanted to participate in a celebration with significant cultural importance. In addition to the two performances, African Americans were recognized each morning through inspirational quotes. Black History Month is an annual, month-long celebration o...

Life, Love and Marriage in Renaissance Italy Exhibit-Review!
The Frist Art Museum is a beautiful, historical building that houses both permanent and touring visual arts exhibitions. Originally built in 1934 as Nashville's centrally located U.S. Post Office, it remains a culturally important historic landmarks in Nashville. In 1988, the Post Office was added to the National Register of historic landmarks. The museum is open to the public seven da...

The Cheekwood Experience
The Cheekwood Holiday Lights Festival is an annual event that Cheekwood Estate and Gardens creates every year to display magnificent light fixtures and designs of the holiday season. This isn’t just a visit to a park, the Holiday Lights Festival is a full on experience. It includes everything from a 1-mile lighted pathway, to a real live viewing of reindeer. The path has amazing lights and ...

Movie Reviews of Recently Released Movies you might have missed during Winter Break
It's the beginning of a new year and the Hillsboro Globe Entertainment Editors have made a few suggestions of movies our readers might want to see. Depending on your taste in genres, this article may help you out! If you're into superhero movies, you're in for a treat! Superhero movies are types of movies that have a story revolving around a heroic character.Out on December 12 is Once Upon a Deadpool, th...
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